Friday, July 29, 2011

The road to Umzinto

   Today we went to Umzinto, an hour down the coast from Durban. We met up with Pastor Alvin and his wife who took us to a modern, clean orphanage. This one was started by a man who had a sugar cane processing factory. It was extremely nice and clean and I left there with a very good feeling.
   Then we went to another shanty village called London Farm. It had at least 60 shanties there. Some were mud huts. We handed out candy and chips to an eager bunch of kids and a few adults. Pastor Alvin led them in a Zulu song and preached a quick message of Jesus. It was very cool to see. I had a very good feeling there also. They have needs, but there it didn't seem as hopeless and cold as Cashew Road.
   After that we went to a safehouse for abused children outside Umzinto. I can show you the sign but I can't show the 10 children there. Pastor Mervyn,  brother Alvin's actual brother runs the place. He told us for the safety and protection of the children we were not alowed to show their  faces. One little girl there was 7 months old. Very cute. Her mother was in the last stages of HIV and could no longer take care of her. These are tough things to hear and see, but I am so thankful that I've been given this opportunity. I have never seen this type of thing in my life, and I must say that it has all made a deep and lasting impression. Not only the struggles these people face daily, but the goodness of the pastors, all that I have met. They truely care for these people, and I know that the money we tithe to South African Evangelistic Mission is going to good use.
   After that we went to Pastor Mervyn's shop in downtown Umzinto and had Mutton Curry in a restarant he has in the back. There is a mosque across the street and as I got out of the van they were calling the faithful to prayer. It was extremely cool as I have never heard this before. I filmed it. Here are some pictures from Umzinto.
    The first photo is a Zulu woman carrying something on her head. The second photo is the mosque. The third photo is Pastor Alvin preaching to some children in London Farm.
    I don't know if Umzinto is what you'd call 3rd world. But it is definately a world I am unfamiliar with. Its so different from Durban, so different from Hudson, Wisconsin. Beautiful. I saw a Hindu Temple, a Musilm mosque and a full gospel church all on the same street. Wow. What I did not see anywhere was white people. Thats fine with me, but its so different  also.
   Finally we went only a few miles to Park Reiny and a beautiful beach on the Indian Ocean. The waves were huge. This is truely a pictuesque and breathtaking landscape I have seen around Durban.


  1. I live in umzinto. It's quite interesting to see an outsiders point of view on my town.

  2. I live in umzinto. It's quite interesting to see an outsiders point of view on my town.
