Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Human nature

   I'm seeing America and South Africa have so many similarities. Both countries have such a variety of geography, climate, animal and plant life. And also people groups. Both countries are extremely rich in natural resources. And there I think lies the heart of each countries problems
   When the settlers first came to America they quickly realized how rich and expansive the country was. Our Christian heritage (misinturpreted) has lead many to believe  that it is our God given right to take the land. And we did, much to the dismay of Native Americans who wound up in reservations.
   Somehow I think that same belief is what shaped the current South a Africa. It was explained to me that during aparthied sections of neighborhoods, areas, places, were zoned off according to a persons color and national origin. They were called zones. You were only allowed to live in your zone by order of the ruling goverment.
   That might work in America when the ruling goverment was also the majority of racial origin. Although that is slowly beginning to shift. But I see that right from the beginning that couldn't work in a country where the vast majority is not white, and the vast majority lived and called this place home for thousands of years. Resentment begins to fester. No matter how many guns the minority has, they can't overcome a vast majority with a legitimate grudge to bear.
   Unfortunately, just like America, the farmers and the workers, no matter what color they are, are the ones who truely suffer the most. Their hard work carved out the land and their sweat tamed it. They're the ones who really build a country, and unfortunately when the tide shifts, they stand to loose the most. Including the ground they worked so hard to turn into something. America has something to learn from South Africa.
   Yesterday we visited a beautiful restarant in the hull of a ship. The aquarium in the center of the restarant held numerous sharks of different varieties. It was quite relaxing.
  (My political observations are my own and you can take them or leave them.)
    The last picture is me standing in front of the Indian Ocean. Who'd a thunk it?
   Today we visit an orphanage. Next week we visit a game reserve called Amakhosi. We spend several days there. I am getting excited. Thanks to the wonderful and kind people who made this possible.

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