Sunday, July 24, 2011

We left Minneapolis with a bang! I was detained after going through the X-ray machine because they claimed I showed an "anamoly" in a private part of my anatomy, and led into a little room where I was serched from head to toe. Then they checked my hands for explosive material residue. Oh well, I guess thats air travel now. When I got through that ordeal I was led out to Valdene who was being interrogated about the contents of her carry on bag.
  The flight to Johannesburg was 16 long hours but not bad otherwise. We had an interesting expeience with airport corruption. We finally got all our bags checked in and made it to the Haags home in Durban about 9:00 P.M. That was a long day.
     This is my new primary residence for the next few weeks. Pretty Cool and I will post additional  photos of the interior later.
   Valdene's father preached at a church in Durban today called 'Harbor Lights Tabarnacle and we had a wonderful lunch with some wonderful people, the Pastor, his parents and Brother and their family.

  Valdene and I sang a song and Valdene shared a word of encouragement to the congregation. After that we took part in a homeless feeding program in downtown Durban.  Pastor Tyrone and his wife are in charge of this. This was a great opportunity to see first hand the struggle these people face, and a great opportunity to offer them the life changing gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
   The last picture is Brother Lazarus's beautiful family. His Son Myron took over his church today as head Pastor. Myron's brother Eugene is in the picture also. I believe God's hand is on him and he will do great things in Christ. I will post more photos tommorow.

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