Thursday, August 4, 2011

The church at Thutuka

On Sunday morning we went to a church service in Thutuka. Valdene's Grandma raised the money to build this church many years ago. Thutuka is several miles from Port Shepstone. The road to the church is washed out gravel stretching up many winding hills. This day was a special service involving 5 local Zulu chuches. I got to witness a Zulu church service in all its glory. The service lasted 4 hours. Rev. David Haag gave the message through an interpreter. It was an awsome message. Valdene also gave testimony to the power of God.
  Another highlight was listening to an African Choir sing. I filmed it and eventually I will post in on you tube.

That was an amazing experience. 

    One thousand dollars that Valdene raised went to purchase the food for the 120 packages we put together. Each of the 5 churches recieved equal numbers of packages to distribute to their neediest families
   The couple with Valdene and I was Sister Margaret and Brother Antoine. Sister Margaret was so happy to see Valdene again. She helped take care of Valdene when she was a little girl. I have seen so many people so excited to see Valdene again. Its obvious to me that she touched a lot of people in a special way as a young person.

   I'll continue tomorrow. To much has happened in the last four days. I will leave you with a view of the restrooms, rural Africa style and a typical rural African home. The last picture is us with Pastor Sitole of the Thutuka Church and some of the bags of food we distributed.

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